Bird man of Coorg

Widespreaded resident in plains ; unrecorded in parts of the north west and north east. Adult has downcurved yellow bill. Bare orange yellow or red face and red legs ; white barring on mainly black upper wing –coverts pinkish tertials and black barring across to breast.

Widespreaded resident in plains ; unrecorded in parts of the north west and north east. Adult has downcurved yellow bill. Bare orange yellow or red face and red legs ; white barring on mainly black upper wing –coverts pinkish tertials and black barring across to breast.

Widespreaded resident in plains ; unrecorded in parts of the north west and north east. Adult has downcurved yellow bill. Bare orange yellow or red face and red legs ; white barring on mainly black upper wing –coverts pinkish tertials and black barring across to breast.kjshdfk asdkfjhskadj asdkfhaskdjhfakj

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